Medical Partner
Equilab International
As an independent, laboratory-based CRO offering a wide range of services. Equilab International is committed to meeting both clinical and analytical aspects in all studies.

International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (WPI-MANA) at National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
The International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) is one of 13 research centers funded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) under the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI).

Prof. Guoping Chen, PhD
MANA Principal Investigator (PI), Partner Biomaterials University of Tsukuba, Japan
Prof. Guoping Chen invited Prof. Siufui Hendrawan (Head of THCT Lab) to his research institute to teach her about PLLA matrix fabrication.
Institute for Applied Cell Culture Dr. Toni Lindl GmbH
In 1981, Prof. Dr. Toni Lindl founded the Institute for Applied Cell Culture (I-A-Z) in Munich , which specialized in in vitro technologies. In 1987, he published the textbook “Cell and Tissue Culture”, which is now in its 8th edition. appears.
Professor Lindl was extremely important for our THCT laboratory. He was the first to develop a method that disintegrates biopsies of liver tissue into individual cells. These cells are vital, can proliferate, are metabolically active, and can be implanted on carriers into human or animal bodies.
Professor Lindl has taught his procedure to the head of the laboratory, Prof. Siufui in Munich, as well as to the entire team in Jakarta. His assistant was a consultant to our laboratory for many years.
Prof. Lindl passed away in Munich on May 12, 2022.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Toni Lindl (†2022)
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (zhaw) – Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology
graf 3dcellculture supports companies, research institutions and individuals in all areas of 3D cell culture, its technologies and applications. Human three-dimensional tissue models promise new perspectives and relevant applications in pharmaceuticals, medicine and clinical settings.

Partner Investor Relations
Strategic Swiss Partners
Strategic Swiss Partners is a leading boutique management and financial advisory firm headquartered in Switzerland with offices in China, the United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia.

Guna Mahalingam
Strategic Swiss Partners AG
Founder & CEO

Fabian Mahalingam
Strategic Swiss Partners AG
Investor Relations, Business Development
Partner Strategy Consulting
Senz – Strategy Consulting
Drs. Karin van Zuilen, Pharmacist, and Coert Huijbregsen, MD, head Senz Strategy Consulting, based in Malaysia, and focus on providing strategic advice in the life sciences industry. They are also the representatives of Baermed Liver Cell Technologies Pte. Ltd. with registered office in Singapore.

Drs. Karin van Zuilen, Pharmazeutin
Managing Director Senz Strategy Consulting
CEO Baermed Liver Cell Technologies Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Dr. Coert Huijbregsen
Senior Consultant Senz Strategy Consulting
COO Baermed Liver Cell Technologies Pte. Ltd, Singapore
Partner Media and Communication
Medical Tribune, Switzerland and Dubai
Medical Tribune Verlagsgesellschaft mbH is a publishing house for medical information.

Dr. med. Eric X. Jensen
Editorial assistant
Hauser and Hauser – Your Brand Coach
Our job is to connect people and brands. Strong and successful brands are much more than beautiful packaging. Content, values and vision are the fire that makes them shine. Their messages ignite because there is real commitment behind them.

Dr. Thomas Hauser
Branding and communication expert

Romana Hauser
Branding and communication expert