Team Baermed Practice, Baermed Research, and Baermed Solutions
Baermed Group is a center of excellence in abdominal medicine and visceral surgery, biomedical research in tissue engineering, and the launch and licensing of medical treatments in the field of cell matrix implants.
The Baermed Group is led by Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer, Master of Applied Ethics.

Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer
Specialist FMH for Visceral Surgery, Master of Applied Science
Chairman of the Executive Board of Baermed Bauchmedizin AG
- Prof. titularis University of Bern
- Prof. Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia (visiting)
- Dr. med. University of Zurich
- Specialist for surgery, especially: visceral surgery
- Master of Applied Ethics (MAE) University of Zurich
- International Director of the Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab).
- Managing Director of Medicalculis GmbH in Zurich
- Honorary President of Health Care and life and Member of the Global Advisory Board of Swiss Strategic Partners (SSP)
- Colonel (ret.) of the Swiss Army Medical Corps and Kdt (ret.) of the ICMM Course LOAC
- Languages: German, English, French, (Italian)
Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer…
- is accredited at the Hirslanden Clinic in Zurich.
- runs a practice for abdominal medicine and visceral surgery at the Hirslanden Clinic, Zurich.
- works closely with the Zurich Surgical Center (CZZ).
- undertakes consultations, clarifications, second opinions and expert opinions in complex and oncological abdominal surgery and tumor surgery.
- is Honorary President of Health Care of the Strategic Swiss Partner AG
- leads the Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab) at Tarumanagara University (UNTAR) in Jakarta, Indonesia as International Director
Core competencies
Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer has expertise in complex abdominal surgery and tumor surgery, clarification, diagnosis, consultation, treatment suggestions and second opinion in the fields of open and laparoscopic surgery of:
- Liver
- Pancreas (pancreas)
- Gall bladder, bile ducts
- Large intestine, small intestine, rectum
- Hernias (soft tissue hernia) of the groin and abdominal wall
- Obesity
Research activity in the field of visceral surgical tissue engineering.
Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer conducts basic and clinical research for cell matrix implants and mini-organs in collaboration with Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab), a research laboratory at Tarumanagara University (UNTAR), Jakarta, Indonesia, as well as with the private hospital Rumah Sakit Gading Pluit and the Liver Clinic, both institutes in Jakarta, Indonesia.
HEPADUA® Mini Liver
Liver cell matrix implant is a newly developed treatment method for severe chronic liver cirrhosis. Currently, the “HEPADUA® Mini-Liver Implant” is undergoing clinical trials.

Dr. med. Christina Baer-Suryadinata
Member of the Executive Board
Head of Accounting and Finance

Ursula Weber (†2022)
former Member of the Executive Board and
Head of Organization and Administration
International Consultant and Research Partner

Maddalena Stephani
Assistant to the management

Karanina Suryadinata
Director of the Board Baermed Liver Cell Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Attila Kiss-Sagi
IT Officer
Research team
Baermed Research focuses on basic and clinical research of tissue engineering and cell matrix implants through its research center Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab) at Tarumanagara University (UNTAR) in Jakarta, Indonesia. Currently, the focus is on the research studies for the “HEPADUA® Mini-Liver Implant”.

Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer
International Director of the Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab).
- Prof. titularis University of Bern
- Prof. Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia (visiting)
- Dr. med. University of Zurich
- Specialist for surgery, especially: visceral surgery
- Master of Applied Ethics (MAE) University of Zurich
- International Director of the Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory Research Laboratory.
- Managing Director of Medicalculis GmbH in Zurich.
- Honorary President of Health Care and life and Member of the Global Advisory Board of Swiss Strategic Partners (SSP).
- Colonel (ret.) of the Swiss Army Medical Corps and Kdt (ret.) of the ICMM Course LOAC
- Languages: German, English, French, (Italian)
Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer…
- is accredited at the Hirslanden Clinic in Zurich.
- runs a practice for abdominal medicine and visceral surgery at the Hirslanden Clinic Zurich.
- works closely with the Zurich Surgical Center (CZZ).
- undertakes consultations, clarifications, second opinions and expert opinions in complex and oncological abdominal surgery and tumor surgery.
- is Honorary President of Health Care of the Strategic Swiss Partner AG
- leads the Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab) at Tarumanagara University (UNTAR) in Jakarta, Indonesia as International Director
Core competencies
Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer has expertise in complex abdominal surgery and tumor surgery, clarification, diagnosis, consultation, treatment suggestions and second opinion in the fields of open and laparoscopic surgery of:
- Liver
- Pancreas (pancreas)
- Gall bladder, bile ducts
- Large intestine, small intestine, rectum
- Hernias (soft tissue hernia) of the groin and abdominal wall
- Obesity
Research activity in the field of visceral surgical tissue engineering.
Prof. Dr. med. Hans U. Baer, conducts basic and clinical research for cell matrix implants and mini-organs in collaboration with Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab), a research laboratory of Tarumanagara University (UNTAR), Jakarta, Indonesia as well as Private Hospital Rumah Sakit Gading Pluit, Jakarta, Indonesia and Liver Clinic, Jakarta, Indonesia.
HEPADUA® Mini-Liver Implant
Liver cell matrix implant is a newly developed treatment method for severe chronic liver cirrhosis. The “HEPADUA® Mini-Liver Implant” is currently undergoing a clinical trial.
Basic Research Team: Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Lab (THCT Lab)
Basic research is conducted at the Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab) at Tarumanagara University (UNTAR), Jakarta/Indonesia.

Assoc. Prof. Siufui Hendrawan, MD, PhD
M. Biomed
Head of Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab) and
Senior Researcher of Faculty of Medicine, Tarumanagara University (UNTAR)

Jennifer Lheman
B.Sc, M.Biotek
Senior Researcher of Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab)

Erwin Uliyantoro
Facility Manager and Head of Animal Care of Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab)

Erwin Budi
Clinical Research Officer of Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab)

Researcher of Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab)

Olivia Marcelina
B.Sc, M.Eng
Researcher of Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THCT Lab)

Secretary of Tarumanagara Human Cell Technology Laboratory (THTC Lab)
Team 1 Clinical Research: Rumah Sakit Gading Pluit
The clinical research is done together with the team of the private hospital Rumah Sakit Gading Pluit and the Liver clinic Prof. Ali Sulaiman, Jakarta/Indonesia.

Dr. dr. Barlian Sutedja, Sp. B.
Abdominal Surgeon, President and Director

Dr. Peter Limas, Sp. B.
Abdominal Surgeon

Prof. Ronokusumo Sjamsuhidajat MD
Chairman of Local Ethics Committee

Team 2 Clinical Research: Liver Clinic
The clinical research is done together with the team of the private hospital Rumah Sakit Gading Pluit and the Liver clinic Prof. Ali Sulaiman, Jakarta/Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. H. Ali Sulaiman, Ph.D, SpPD, KGEH (†)
Chairman, National Consultant Hepatologist

Dr. dr. Andri Sanityoso SpPD KGEH
Liver Clinic Prof. Ali Sulaiman